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... ... We've heard the classic expression, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Chickens hatch from the eggs, but eggs are laid by the chickens, arousing endless debate over each side of the arguments. 我們都聽過這樣一個經典的命題,"先有雞,還是先有蛋?"雞是從蛋里孵出來的,但是蛋又是雞生下來的,圍繞這兩個論點引發了無休止的爭論. I've come up with an equally controversial expression to perturb your mind, "Which comes first, the success or the happiness?" Before you know the ropes, I want to warn you that arguments could be made to prove which gives rise to the other. Success comes from within, knowing the true worth of our human potential. 同樣地,我也提出了一個會使你困擾的具有爭議的命題,"先有成功,還是先有幸福?"在你知道這個問題的答案之前,我想提醒你,這個爭論是用來證明誰產生了誰.成功來源於內在,成功讓我們認識到人類潛能的真正價值. I have several profound reasons to prove that happiness leads to success. 我有幾個充分的理由來證明是幸福通向成功. Positivity is the mother of success: We all know that positivity leads to attitude and unwavering faith to achieve success. In the history of the human race, no negative person has ever climbed the peaks of success; happiness is a virtue of positivity. Without happiness, positivity dies a horrible death. 樂觀是成功之母:我們都知道積極樂觀能帶來獲得成功的態度和堅定信念.在人類歷史上,不曾有悲觀之人攀登上成功的頂峰.幸福是積極樂觀的原動力.沒有幸福,積極樂觀的態度就會胎死腹中. It's all in my head: Success begins with self-affirmation. It's that staunch belief that when I love what I do, success has to come. When the mood is positive, we give rise to our self-esteem leading to relentless pursuit of success. 我是這樣認為的:成功來源於自我肯定.我有一個堅定的信念,當我熱愛我所做的工作時,成功自然就來了.當情緒積極向上時,就會產生自尊,從而導致對成功的不懈追求. ... I succeed when others succeed: It is a known fact that success comes to those who invest in other people's success. Being happy is a prerequisite to have a pro-social attitude leading to generosity with time and money. 當其他人成功時我也會成功:眾所周知,那些懂得為他人成功投資的人自己也會成功.幸福是採取一種對社會的正面心態的先決條件,這種心態會使得人們對時間和金錢變得慷慨. I'm happy, so I am healthy: Happiness tends to instill positivity towards life goals including a healthy mind and healthy relationships. With the virtue of healthy mind, body and soul, I now am focused to achieve success. 我幸福,所以我健康:幸福會給生活目標灌輸積極樂觀的態度,包括健康的頭腦和良好的人際關係.有了健康的頭腦、身體和靈魂,我現在就可以更加專注於追求成功了. Be confident: I've noticed that staying under sun energizes my mood and willingness to pursue my goals. Similarly, with happiness, I get an abundance of Confidence in my skills and in my resilience towards temporary failures to achieve success. 保持自信:我注意到生活在陽光下使我更有心情和意願來追求我的目標.同樣地,擁有幸福,我從我的技能和對暫時性失敗的恢復力中獲得更多的信心來實現成功. Constancy of purpose: Success comes to those who have a definite purpose. Their relentless efforts towards definite purpose come from happiness within to affirm that victory is the only acceptable outcome. 恆久的目標:成功只給那些有明確目標的人.他們對既定目標所付出的持久努力來源於內在的幸福感,這種幸福感使他們確信勝利是唯一可接受的結果. Success holds no limits: Happiness leads to creative vision that seeks achievement without limits. My success is limited only to the limits I impose on my thoughts. With happiness, I take my self-esteem to unseen heights to achieve success beyond my wildest expectations. 成功無界限:幸福帶來充滿創造力的視野,這種視野會無限制地追求成就感.我的成功只會被我自身的想法所限制.擁有幸福,我便擁有自信去達到從未企及過的、超越我想像的高峰. In the moment: Enjoying every moment with focus of mind, body and soul leads to happiness that shows in the activity that we engage in. I tend to be at my best when my mind is neither engaged in the past failures nor in the future fantasies. I am giving all I have to the task at hand with unbound happiness. I am destined to arrive at success. 活在當下:集中思想,全心全意地去享受每時每刻帶來的幸福感,這在我們所參與的活動中將有所體現.當我的思緒既不沉溺在過去的失敗中、也不沉浸在對將來的幻想中時,我處於最佳的狀態.我滿心愉悅地盡全力做好手頭的工作.我是註定要成功的. ... "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." -Mahatma Gandhi(1869-1948)Preeminent leader of Indian nationalism. 印度民族獨立運動的偉大領袖甘地(1869-1948)曾說,幸福就是你的所思、所言、所做都和諧無間. Our profound view towards success and happiness shapes our destiny. You may focus solely on success and sacrifice happiness with the belief that happiness will follow success. That may prove to be wrong; sharing laughter with family, helping others, being personable and establishing social relations are all forms of happiness, essential to the health of you success. 對成功和幸福的深刻見解將會決定我們的命運.你可能會只專注於成功,犧牲了幸福,你堅信幸福會隨著成功而來.可是那可能被證明是錯誤的;和家人分享歡樂、幫助別人、風度翩翩、建立良好的社交關係都會帶來幸福,而這些對你的成功必不可少. You may have arguments from the other side of the fence. If so, I'd love to hear why you think success gives rise to happiness. 對此,你可能會持不同的看法.要是這樣,我倒很想聽聽為什麼你認為幸福來源於成功. ...
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